Safety and Health Council of North Carolina

A non-profit association preventing injury through
safety education and training since 1960!

OSHA 502

Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers

OSHA Partnership - Safety and Health Council of North Carolina, NC State University's Southeastern OSHA Training!


Description - 18 MESH Hours - $650

This course provides an update for currently authorized OSHA Construction Industry Outreach Trainers on topics such as OSHA construction industry standards, policies and regulations. Construction industry outreach trainers are required to attend this course once every four years to maintain trainer status.

During the course, students will work with a partner to develop a presentation and teach an assigned OSHA Construction Industry Outreach topic. Participants will be provided with a variety of training materials and resources.

2021 Dates:

October 27-29 Virtual Class

2022 In Person Dates in Charlotte:

March 16-18 or October 19-21

Registration ONLY through NCSU IES