Safety and Health Council of North Carolina

A non-profit association preventing injury through
safety education and training since 1960!

Principles of Occupational Safety and Health (POSH)

NEW 4th Edition!

Advanced Safety Certificate (ASC) Course

This re-envisioned Principles of Occupational Safety and Health course (POSH 4th Edition) takes advantage of the most cutting-edge learning technology and adult learning principles. You will gain a solid foundation in occupational safety and health — a big first-step up the ladder in safety management. POSH represents best practices in safety training to be mimicked in your own organization.

Experienced safety professionals can brush up on all that’s new in safety management through engaging, technology-enabled training, case studies, simulations, group activities, electronic pre- and post- testing and networking. All-new modules include Fit for Duty, Vehicle Safety, and Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention.

You will learn:

  • Technology-enabled classroom training for an immersive learning experience and real-world work outputs you can leverage back on the job
  • Real-world case study; participants are employees of "Agrichemical," a fictional company that experiences safety issues
  • Networking opportunities with attendees from other organizations and with varying levels of experience
  • Electronic pre-test and polling to gauge participant knowledge allowing the facilitator to adjust course content
  • Large group activities
  • Small group interactions

Summit on Safety Leadership Track 4:

November 15-19

$1395 Member   $1750 Non-Member

34 MESH Hours


Click here for more information